le respect des traditions ancestrales des communautés. Le 1er août dernier, les groupements des communautés Mbonjo et Souza se sont...
Sensitize the populations in general, and the neighboring communities in particular, of the non-conformities resulting from the activities of Agro industries, forestry and mining companies.
Promoting information and education of the populations in terms of the environment.
Demonstrate by example the effectiveness of family farming methods.
Develop strategies to solve problems that pit local communities against multinational corporations.
Faced with the increasingly difficult living conditions of rural communities (decimated forests, polluted waters, unhealthy habitats, increased poverty, desecration of tombs and cultural sites, etc.);
And considering that the response of the authorities will have been everywhere insufficient for a long time;
Noting that imported grassroots models have generally failed;
Starting from the principle that “in the face of difficulties, individuals react more quickly than administrations”;
In 2010, a group of men, women and young people created an association called SYNAPARCAM (National Synergy of Peasants and Residents of Cameroon), apolitical and non-profit, declared on May 27, 2014 in Eseka.

- - Its purpose is to improve the living conditions of communities living near agro industries, forestry and mining companies, and promote endogenous economic development.
- - Defend the interests and rights of multi-national neighboring communities
Our Work
Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps.

Environmental and health education:

Feminine income-generating activities:

Promotion of family farming:

Appropriate technologies:

Promotion of youth cultural associations and structures.
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